You Are The Best!

I really mean it!

If you introduce someone to me, I will endorse you and will tell this person to trust you and if he has the chance, he should work with you!

This is called EDIFICATION.

Not a word you use a lot in traditional business.
There, you try to take down your boss and he, in return, probably bullies you.

But in the home business (online and offline), we EDIFICATE!

The other day I was listening to a video of Diane Hochman about this.
Diane is in my eyes, one of the best coaches in the world in this industry.
We call her the Queen of attraction marketing and if you have a chance to be part of one of her training programs, I can highly recommend it!!

But why would I EDIFICATE Diane Hochman like this?
Why would I sent people I know to her training programs while I am in the same business (coaching people in home business)?

Because I mean it!
She is one of the best I know and I take your success serious.
So I EDIFICATE Diane for your own benefit!

But here is the good part…

What you give is what you get back!

Or how Diane taught me ….

What you give is what you get to keep.

She will EDIFICATE me!

And believe me….there is no better and stronger way to build your authority then when someone as famous as Diane Hochman would tell your prospects……

If you have a chance to work with him…I would take it on with both hands!

EDIFICATION of your leaders, your coaches or mentors, is the best way to build your own authority!

What you give is what you get to keep!!

You are the BEST!

And I will tell the whole world that I mean that!

Roy Bonté

Don´t Hesitate To Contact Me:

roybonte1 (Skype)




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