Would You Follow Yourself?

I get this question a lot.

What should I post on my Facebook wall and fanpage?

By now I suppose you understand that when you are in business, and especially when you are in home based business, you need to brand yourself.

You are the most important part of your business.
When you have the trust of your prospects, they will follow you and when you offer VALUE to them they will be magnetically attracted to you.

Social media plays a large role in that!

The first thing people do this days is search on social media and mainly Facebook.

That is why it is so important that you brand yourself well on Facebook.

So let me ask you this…..

If you take a step back and look at your Facebook through the eyes of possible clients…..


Is your Facebook a gathering of bullsh*t or does it look professional and full with value to those who are looking for you?

Does your Facebook have a positive vibe or negative?

Does it reject certain avatars by displaying personal preferences or is it nice and neutral?

Step back for a moment.

Think well what the avatar of your perfect client is.

And then have a look at your profile through their eyes…..

Will They Follow You?

To your success,

Roy Bonté


I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next coming weeks! 😉



Don´t Hesitate To Contact Me:

roybonte1 (Skype)




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Disclaimer: On almost a daily basis I share value with the people on my list and Facebook.
My goal is to help at least 1000 people to reach financial freedom this year, while working from home. By law, I am obligated to tell you that my results are not even close to typical. So all the things I offer you for free or paid to reach your financial freedom do not guarantee the same results.