What Did You Expect?

How do you feel when things turn out different (read worse) from what you expected?

Sad or angry right!

Tony Robbins said:
Trade Expectations For Appreciation!

We humans are emotional creatures.
And those emotions stand between you and your success!

I found my success when I disconnected emotions from the outcome of my actions.

Do they say YES > Good!
Do they say NO > Good!

But Tony Robbins made me see the real light.

Step 1 is  disconnect your emotions from the outcome of your actions and thus have NO expectations about the outcome.

But step 2 might even be more important.
What ever the outcome is, BE GRATEFUL!

Trade Expectations For Appreciation!

That is why I like to give free value to my list.
I don´t mind it if you never ever buy something off me.

I am just grateful that you take the time to read my mails.

It fills me with gratefulness that I know I am able to help others.
Some will read it > Good!
Some won´t read it > Good!

Happy Sunday

Stay grateful,

Roy Bonté


Roy Bonté


I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next comming weeks! 😉




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roybonte1 (Skype)






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My goal is to help at least 1000 people to reach financial freedom this year, while working from home. By law, I am obligated to tell you that my results are not even close to typical. So all the things I offer you for free or paid to reach your financial freedom do not guarantee the same results.