How One Tip From My Mentor Changed My Business Forever
Hi Roy Here,
Just wanted to sent you this quick tip.
For me this tip was just like winning the National lottery!
We All Have The Same Problem When We Just Start Our Online Or Home Business!
We have no credibility!
People just don’t know us.
So why would they join your business or buy your products?
Its incredible easy for those who can show their income statements to their prospects to show, that what they are doing, is making them money. People just want to see before they believe!
But when you just start out, you have nothing to show.
And more than ever, when you start you need some back up to underline your words.
Nobody will follow someone who earns less than himself!
When I started I had the same problem.
That’s why I asked my Mentor how he conquered this when he was just starting out.
I expected an answer like: “I always lied a little” or “I put fake statements on my website”
I hate it when people do that, but to be honest I thought I would receive an answer like that.
But he surprised me!
He just said:
I went to every seminar and every event I could attend. Bringing nothing more than a cheap second hand video camera. There I would ask every top earner if they could ENDORSE ME!
He just went up to all those well known people, having a little chat with them and then ask them if they would say something nice about him on video.
And surprisingly….most will do so!
He actually told them what to say!
Short little video messages saying something like this:
Hi this is (top earners name).
We are here at the …..event.
And I just bumped in to Roy
I have been following Roy for a while now and it is my opinion
that Roy will be one of the top earners in the business soon.
So if you have a chance to work with Roy.
Grab it with both hands!
Roy is someone to keep in mind!
See you at the next event!
Do you think a short video like this will give you some credibility?
This is the most powerful tip I have ever received when I just started in the business and I used it a lot.
Testimonials and status through association will boost your authority!
To your success,
Roy Bonté
Don´t Hesitate To Contact Me:
roybonte1 (Skype)
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