Do you need new clients?
Yes off course you do!
It doesn´t matter what business you are in.
Whether you are a dentist, a lawyer, own a grocery store or a home business..
If you are an entrepreneur, you need new clients on a daily basis!
Today I want to talk about the difference between Networking and Prospecting.
No, not network marketing….networking!
Prospecting is pitching your business to someone.
Most people, and mainly on social media, keep pitching their business to strangers.
Funny enough, most complain that this is not working…but they continue doing it.
I only prospect 20% of my time, and still I only prospect those who want to be prospected by me, but more about that later.
I spent 80% of my time networking!
Now what is networking?
Meeting new people and building better and stronger relationships with the people you already know.
By being interested in them.
By offering them my help.
Yes, I spent 80% of my time, just talking to people as if I was in a coffee shop.
And yes, I share my knowledge with them, trying to help them, without asking anything in return for it. And yes….most of those people work in the same industry as me. Sometimes even in the same company or in competitive companies.
I know….sounds crazy right?!
Spending most of my time talking and helping people I don´t earn a penny on!
But that is what networking is all about!
Building a network of people that KNOW you!!
Some will never work with you, some might keep you in mind….but some will come to you asking how they can work with you. And that is when I start prospecting them.
Yes I only prospect people who come to me!
Like one of my mentors always told me….
“I am only looking for those who are looking for me!”
My goal is to get to know between 10 and 20 new people per day and add them on my email list.
Do i pitch them?
No, I give them my knowledge, I provide them with value and offer them my help.
I don’t like selling and personally I am allergic to people who try to sell on me.
So why would I pitch my things when I don’t want to be pitched to?!
You have to be congruent!
So my network will grow every day, and by email and Facebook I keep in touch with them.
80% of them will never work with me, 10% might be interested but are not ready yet, and only the other 10% are those who make me money by becoming a client or team member.
Still, I spent most of my time networking with those who will never work with me!
Yes, funny me!
Because here is the secret of networking…..
Those 80%, even though they might never work with you, will be able to bring you into contact with others to grow your network!
Do you see the power of networking now?
Grow your network every day and only prospect those who are looking for you!
It works like a charm!
You should try it!
To your success!