How To Create Real Success?

How To Create Real Success?

That is most probably the question you have in mind.

How do I create real success?

The answer is simple….

Leverage the work of other people!

If you don´t know what that means; Earning a percentage from the sales other people make.
Easy as that

If you want to make a living working about 2 to 4 hours online or from home, you will have to start seeing the reality. You either need to be a rock star or you need to leverage the work of others.

The easiest way (believe me) is the last option!

Now in the home business space, we can leverage the work of other people in two ways. Promote a Network Marketing Company, or promote Multi Tiers Affiliate programs. I am not going to explain what they are in this mail, but both have their Pro´s and Con´s.

But they also have something in common!

You need to work as a team!

And even more so…YOU! need to work as a team leader!

Now if I would ask you:
What is the most important part of my business?
You would probably think about Marketing or Selling

But to make it big, you need to work in a team!

So here is the big secret……

Your team is the most important!
Not marketing, not selling, not your list, not your company, not your product.


I love giving out free value to my list.
And I try to do so every day.

I even sent value to my list when it’s my birthday or when I am on holidays.

It doesn´t matter if it is Monday or Sunday.
I always make time to share value.


I only skip this when my team needs me!
I put everything aside when my team needs me!

My marketing, my selling, my sharing…even my private life!

Because that is how you make it big on the internet or in network marketing!

Create a team and leverage them!

But you can only do that when you consider your team as the most important part of your business…or maybe even of your life!

And that is why you didn´t hear from me a few days…my team needed me.

Do you want real success?

Then let me ask you this question:

Are you ready to make your team the most important part of your life?

To your and your team´s success,


Roy Bonté


I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next comming weeks! 😉




Don´t Hesitate To Contact Me:


roybonte1 (Skype)




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