We all have seen the line “First Learn Than Take Away The L” somewhere. I like that line. Because its simple and true.

According to statistics (not according to Roy) it takes 10.000 hours of practise to become a professional in something.

Why do people who just enter in the business think they know everything after a few weeks or months? I don´t care if you are the best sales rep in your company or you own a multimillion dollar business. When you enter in a new industry, you know nothing and you will have to LEARN!

10.000 hours…
That’s about 3 years when you work 10 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Or about 10 years when you do this part time.

I am not saying that you need to be a full grown experienced professional to make money in this business, you can do it much quicker, and often its way above average.
But to earn more than a $100.000,- per month, you will have to become a professional!

Al top earners have done so. They all had a career of years and years of learning!

But here is the problem in my opinion….
People earn… say $2000,- per month in their normal life. Then they start a home business and start earning more and more. They give up their job and at one point they give up their job and go full time.

At one point they start making $3000,- per month.
Now they earn 50% more than before and now they think they know it all.

They start pulling away teams, wrecking the life’s of a lot of families who build their income with that team. They start to throw mud and worse…the start to speak bad about the ones who helped them reach to come where they are now. Be it their upline or mentor.

And they always say the same…

He (or she) didn´t allow me to grow.
He wanted to be the boss.
He is afraid that I earn more.
Need I go on?

Now ask any top earner in this business why they earn what they earn! They will all say “I OWE IT TO MY MENTOR”

But when you ask those who failed, they will all say

Think well before you choose a mentor, but when you have chosen one…copy him or her.
They have the results you want and they can show you how to get the same results.

You won’t be able to do it yourself after a couple of months!
There are simply not enough hours in a month!

Keep making waves and keep learning!

Roy Bonté