He said I was crazy….are you crazy?

How to handle all the negative reactions towards your home business.

Yesterday an old business partner called me for a favour. Those who know me a bit better, know I used to have bars, restaurants and night clubs before I decided to change my life and make my fortune online.
Long story short, I helped him out with some things and we sat down to have a drink. He told me he was offered to rent out one of his restaurants. They were willing to pay him a nice sum of money for the business and a nice monthly rent for the building.

I Wouldn’t Have To Think Twice!

But he didn´t see the whole picture. He thought he could make more money running the business himself.

Now that might be true, but I explained him that having a monthly residual income for renting out the place and receive a cash amount of money to re invest in something else is the best way to become wealthy.

I drew him Robert Kiyosaki´S Cash Flow Quadrant and explained him he was on the wrong side to eventually become financially independent.
(If you don’t know about the cash flow quadrant I suggest to read the book by Robert Kiyosaki)

Anyway, he didn´t understand it and told me I was crazy.

This Is The Most Common Reaction Of People Who Are
Programmed To Trade Time For Money!

You must encounter a lot of people like that as well. Everybody in our business does.
But how do you handle them?
Easy! But very important to do this the right way!

Don’t ever try to change their minds!

They actually think you are crazy. But it isn´t their fault. Like I said they are programmed to think a certain way. Family, school, television, newspapers…they all try to program our minds to study hard, work for 40 years and retire with a small pension.

Now tell me, you got out of the rat race, or at least you are trying. Did you immediately see it or was it a process? Probably it was the last.

So next time when somebody tells you, you are crazy when you offer your business opportunity to someone, you just say:

Yes I Am Crazy. But It Is The Crazy People Who Change The World!

Next I suggest you put the famous video by Steve Jobs on your Facebook or website and ask them to watch it. I have had some magnificent results with that. This video opens up people´s minds. And that is just what you need.

People Don’t Listen To Crazy People…Unless They Are A Bit Crazy Themselves!

Here is a link for this famous video! Use it!

Stay crazy!
To your success!