Don´t Be Like This Man!

Yesterday I was sitting on a terrace next to the beach
proof reading and correcting my new e-book. You have
to know I live in a famous Spanish holiday resort.
A man sat next to me, watching what I was doing.
He asked me “are you a writer?”
I answered No, I am an internet marketing coach.
Obviously he didn´t know what I was talking about.
He stood up and left.
About two hours later he passed by and sat next to me again.
Why are you working on your vacation? He asked.
I told him I wasn´t on holidays and asked if he was.
Yes 2 weeks. I needed that after a year of stress, he answered.
You are lucky that you live here and that you can sit here on your day off.
I told him that this was actually working for me, and that I
just decided to do it on the beach front today.
He shook his head in unbelief.
I said, if you want I can mail you a raw version of my book
so you can learn how you can do the same as I do.
What are you doing then?, he asked.
I earn money on the internet, but the book explains it all.
Do you want a copy?
No, thank you. He answered.
Those things don´t work
There I was, Monday morning, sitting on a terrace because I can.
Talking to a man who had spend the last 50 weeks slaving
for a boss, telling me that what I do doesn´t work.
I was laughing silently, but also it made me a bit sad.
So many people can’t escape the 9 to 5 mindset.
Please don’t be like this man!

Open your mind!
Educate yourself!
Listen to people who have what you want!

To your  success,

Roy Bonté


I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next coming weeks! 😉



Don´t Hesitate To Contact Me:

roybonte1 (Skype)




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