Yesterday I was sitting on a terrace next to the beach
proof reading and correcting my new e-book. You have
to know I live in a famous Spanish holiday resort.
proof reading and correcting my new e-book. You have
to know I live in a famous Spanish holiday resort.
A man sat next to me, watching what I was doing.
He asked me “are you a writer?”
He asked me “are you a writer?”
I answered No, I am an internet marketing coach.
Obviously he didn´t know what I was talking about.
He stood up and left.
He stood up and left.
About two hours later he passed by and sat next to me again.
Why are you working on your vacation? He asked.
I told him I wasn´t on holidays and asked if he was.
Yes 2 weeks. I needed that after a year of stress, he answered.
You are lucky that you live here and that you can sit here on your day off.
You are lucky that you live here and that you can sit here on your day off.
I told him that this was actually working for me, and that I
just decided to do it on the beach front today.
just decided to do it on the beach front today.
He shook his head in unbelief.
I said, if you want I can mail you a raw version of my book
so you can learn how you can do the same as I do.
so you can learn how you can do the same as I do.
What are you doing then?, he asked.
I earn money on the internet, but the book explains it all.
Do you want a copy?
Do you want a copy?
No, thank you. He answered.
Those things don´t work
Those things don´t work
There I was, Monday morning, sitting on a terrace because I can.
Talking to a man who had spend the last 50 weeks slaving
for a boss, telling me that what I do doesn´t work.
Talking to a man who had spend the last 50 weeks slaving
for a boss, telling me that what I do doesn´t work.
I was laughing silently, but also it made me a bit sad.
So many people can’t escape the 9 to 5 mindset.
So many people can’t escape the 9 to 5 mindset.
Please don’t be like this man!
Open your mind!
Educate yourself!
Listen to people who have what you want!
To your success,
Roy Bonté
I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next coming weeks! 😉
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roybonte1 (Skype)
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