Hell yeah it works! (excuse my language)
But a lot of people just don’t understand how to use Facebook ads and just throw some dirt to the wall and look if some will stick.
I am not talking about the how the technical part of creating good ads works…I am talking about how Facebook works. Because everyone can make money with Facebook ads. No matter what industry you are in. Local, national, online. It doesn´t matter as long as you keep these 3 concepts in mind.
The first thing you need to know, and where most people go wrong, is you need COMPARISON.
Most people create just one ad and run it for a while. Then when their results aren´t what they hoped for, they say…it doesn´t work.
Well I´ve got news for you, it works!
But you need to run more than one ad to see what is working for you and what is not.
Ads with different copy, ads with different images, even ads with different buttons.
The second concept is TIME
When you create an audience, people you target, Facebook says for instance that your audience contains 150.000 people. But Facebook isn´t showing it to all those people in the beginning! It is only showing it to a small part of them. Within that small part, the algorithm of Facebook is going to run “tests”. Looking for people who engage with your ad so they can show it to more people with the same profile. But that takes time!
So the biggest mistake you can make is keep changing (that one) ad every other day because you don´t have results. Because every time you change it….Facebook´s algorithm needs to start running tests from the start to find your ideal audience. …and you keep thinking your ad isn´t working.
Give the algorithm at least 4 days to do his job. Then, when you understood the first concept, eliminate those ads that don´t work and start duplicating the ones that do and adjust them just a little. But keep in mind to give those new ads time again to be tested by the algorithm.
The 3th concept is MONEY
I am not saying you need to spent a lot of money, but you need to accept the fact that during your testing phase, you might lose money. That is part of the deal! Testing is like learning. There is no proven script for you, there is no proven audience for you. Every product or offer has his own specifics, so you can’t copy someone’s campaign and think it will work for you. You need to test, tweak, test, tweak and test, tweak some more! And that will take time and money.
So if you are not willing to do the work and create various test campaigns, give them time to be tested by Facebook´s algorithm, and don´t want to lose money in the beginning…..then indeed…Facebook ads don’t work….but they don’t work for you!
Because the weakest part in the chain is YOU! If you don´t embrace those 3 concepts, Facebook ads won´t work for you. But if you are able to think bigger then Facebook ads WORK for you
To your success,
Roy Bonté
I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next coming weeks! 😉
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Disclaimer: On almost a daily basis I share value with the people on my list and Facebook.
My goal is to help at least 1000 people to reach financial freedom this year, while working from home. By law, I am obligated to tell you that my results are not even close to typical. So all the things I offer you for free or paid to reach your financial freedom do not guarantee the same results.