I am part of 2 different Master Mind groups, of 2 of the best coaches in the world and will enter a third today.
Apart from the fact that it is quite a honour to be part of it, it also cost me a lot of time.
But being part of those kind of Master Mind groups with the best of the best, teaches me more than any university can teach me.
There is no better way to learn, than listening and copying those who have the results, you want to reach!
Obviously we learn a lot in those groups and the last two days, it consumed most of my time. Resulting in the fact that I didn´t share my newly learned knowledge with you yesterday.
I was so “into the training” that I forgot to sent you a mail.
This morning I was watching training videos from both of those coaches, and it turned out that they were together in Las Vegas celebrating one of their birthdays.
But this is what I learned from both of them this morning:
Not because they told me so in one of their videos, but because they showed me so with their actions.
Meanwhile they both were away from home, celebrating a birthday in the “City Of Sins”, they didn´t skip a single training. They didn´t skip a single Facebook Live. They didn´t skip a single email.
They are consistent in what they do. No matter where they are, how busy they are, and even when they have a day of celebrations….they deliver value!
While I only had to watch the videos….and share their knowledge….but I didn´t share yesterday….I was “too busy”.
Al great trainers say the same.
If you do your work “on demand” you will never reach what they have reached.
Copy those who have the results you want to have.
And start by being CONSISTENT in your daily (work) routine!
Day in, day out.
No matter what comes on your path.
No matter how busy you are!
To your consistent success,
Roy Bonté
I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next coming weeks! 😉
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Disclaimer: On almost a daily basis I share value with the people on my list and Facebook.
My goal is to help at least 1000 people to reach financial freedom this year, while working from home. By law, I am obligated to tell you that my results are not even close to typical. So all the things I offer you for free or paid to reach your financial freedom do not guarantee the same results.