Can You Make Money With Facebook Ads?

Yesterday I had an interesting discussion with a fantastic man. A piano teacher.

He asked me:

Be honest with me, can you make money with Facebook ads?

I thought he was making a joke, so I simply answered, Yes, I have build my whole business on Facebook ads.

Clearly, he though the same, that I was making a joke.
He actually asked me if I was.

Let me tell you…..

Facebook ads WORK!

But maybe not as you hope….

If you try to sell directly with Facebook ads, you might get disappointed.

Facebook ads work best if you sell low ticket products or even give free stuff.

Are You Crazy Roy???

Pay for ads to give away free stuff!!


The best thing to do is use FB ads to build your list.
Give something away or sell them a low ticket high value product (we call that a liquidator) to recuperate some of your ad spend.

But now you have these people on your list and you have PERMISSION to communicate with them. Now you can build a relationship with them and start selling them higher ticket products or services in the back-end.

This is how I do it and I didn´t make that up myself.
I learned it from my mentors….and yes…I build my entire business this way!

And YES…it works.

But it only works when you put in the work!

Stop looking for magic potions, stop looking for more shiny objects.

You have got the real power in your hands….and it’s called….share VALUE

If you want to know how I turn Facebook ads into money, maybe you want to read my e-book.
Its called FACE IT YOU S*CK, it´s free, and contains a lot of VALUE.

To your FB ad success,

Roy Bonté


I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next coming weeks! 😉



Don´t Hesitate To Contact Me:

roybonte1 (Skype)




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