Today I uploaded part 2 of the short video series I am going to share about how to build your personal brand, to my Facebook page.
In this particular video I talk about how to brand yourself as a professional on your own Facebook page.
One of those things to do, is to create this professional image of yourself by showing you dressed as a professional. I don´t say you need to wear a suit always…but be sure to give a professional, business man/woman image to your followers.
I wore no suit myself in that video, just a nice polo shirt.
That is good enough…..
But…here is my little secret….
What you can´t see in the video is that under that I wear some cut off old jeans and I am bare foot.
Yeah, that is the good part of working from home!
I have my little home office in a separate building in the garden.
So I go to my office in the morning in shorts and bare foot J
Another thing, last night I had to go to the hospital with my son. He had a small accident with his bike and a small fracture in his shoulder. Nothing really bad. But it was extremely busy at emergencies and all together we returned home at 4am in the morning…..
So….why am I telling this?
Because another good thing about working from home is that I can decide my own working hours. I had a late night, so I got up at 11 o’clock….because I can!
Working from home is fantastic.
But it is called WORKING from home.
Not watching TV from home.
So work needs to be done.
But it gives you a lot of flexibility and freedom!
And to make that happen…you have to work at your personal brand as much as on your business!
Watch part 2 of the series here…and start working on it!
To your personal brand,
Roy Bonté
I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next coming weeks! 😉
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