A Body In Motion

Newton, the somewhat famous mathematician, astronomer, and physicist said in his first law of motion:

“A body in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.”

Or in short:

A body in motion stays in motion!

Now I don’t want to bother you with physics, but this law of motion relates to your success in business, and even more so in home business!

When you build a business and you are able to bring this business in motion, as long as you keep doing the same thing it will stay in motion.

But what is the number one killer of your (home) business?


We humans get easily distracted.

Distraction is one of those outside forces that will change the course of your motion.

So today I just want to give you a short heads up.

If you want to keep your business in motion…then FOCUS!

Keep doing what you are doing. Maybe even scale up.

But keep focussed!

Because once you get distracted, your course will alter and it is twice as hard to get back on course than staying on course.

Why do I say this?

Why now?

Because it is August.

August is a notorious month for distraction here in Europe. Especially here in Spain where I live.

Businesses close for a whole month, believe it or not. Just close!

But when you keep focussed and stay on course while others get distracted and alter their course, by the time it is September you are two steps ahead of them!

Stay focussed!

Roy Bonté


I am preparing something really cool!
Keep an eye on your mail the next coming weeks! 😉



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roybonte1 (Skype)




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Disclaimer: On almost a daily basis I share value with the people on my list and Facebook.
My goal is to help at least 1000 people to reach financial freedom this year, while working from home. By law, I am obligated to tell you that my results are not even close to typical. So all the things I offer you for free or paid to reach your financial freedom do not guarantee the same results.