How To Stop Your Team From Dying Down.
Most people think that teams die down because people don´t make enough money and they start looking for a better opportunity. The opposite is actually the reason. Again, it might make some people (leaders) angry…but here is the truth! Roy Bonté I am preparing something really cool! Keep an eye on your mail the…
The 3 Step Perfect Pitch Method.
Closing a deal does not depend as much on how you actually pitch as you might think. It is what happens before the pitch what will make the difference. This 3 step perfect pitch method will help you to close better and more! Roy Bonté I am preparing something really cool! Keep an…
How To Close More Prospects
I hear it a lot, Roy, they just don´t buy. How come you close so easy. Well, that’s probably because you focus on the wrong things. Watch this video to understand how to change your closing rates. Roy Bonté I am preparing something really cool! Keep an eye on your mail the next coming…
How To Take The Right Decisions
Have you ever been in the situation where you had to take a decision to go for an opportunity or grow your business, but there are doubts? I was in that situation last weekend! I had this weekend away planned with my family, but I needed to take some tough decisions and a lot of…
A New Way To Write Copy That Converts
Have you been writing copy and didn´t get the results you hoped on? Maybe you have actually been pushing your prospects away from you. Check out these 4 tips to write your copy in a new way that converts. Roy Bonté I am preparing something really cool! Keep an eye on your mail…
What To Say To Successful People Patronising Your Business
It will happen to you! You offer your business to a successful person and he starts patronising you and your business. Most people react the wrong way. This successful business man or woman is using his posture to test you. You have to regain posture to show him that you are a match. You can…
How To Tackle The “Been There, Didn’t Work” Excuse.
What do you say to someone that tells you that they “have been there” and that it “doesn´t work”. Your words are not the most important…your posture is! I talked about posture here, but in this post I want to give you a good real life example how to use posture. Roy Bonté I…
How To Become The Hunted And Not The Hunter
Are you sick and tired of hunting down prospects and clients? Do you ever wonder how the top earners get so much people coming to them that want to work with them? Here are 4 mindset changes for you to improve your POSTURE and become the hunted. Watch them here To your abundant…
How To Get Better Results By Changing The Focus On Your Goals
roy bontéI hope you set goals. But what to do if you don´t reach your goals. Does that give you stress or disappointment? The way to avoid that is not changing your goals, but changing the focus on your goals! In this video I show you that changing the focus on your goals, will have…