Let’s Kick Some Butt – Network Marketing Truth
I love Network Marketing and I especially like the hierarchy. Your upline helps you, trains you. They show you how to be a professional Network Marketer. But sometimes they are stuck in the 70´s When there was no Social Media and Google. And they want you to copy them to be stuck as well…. In…
Sharing My Notes From Robert Kiyosaki´S Keynote Speech
Las weekend I attended the Online Lurn Summit. 16 hours packed with value. But one of my favourite keynote speakers was Robert Kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki is one of the most respected financial advisors. He is an author of various bestselling books, public speaker and coach. But most important, a professional investor. In this video I…
How To Turn Paying For An Event Into Money.
I love events and I will give you 4 reasons why you should go to as many as you can. And yes… I know…they cost money, but an event will make you money as well! Maybe not directly but it is what you bring home from that event what will make you money! There are…
How To Use Difficult Times In Your Life In Your Favour To Build Your Business.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, goes through difficult periods in his life. How you go about with those periods will determine the outcome of your success in your business. I won´t say it´s easy, but if you are able to create a certain mindset you will be able to conquer all obstacles in your…
Ups…I´m In Jail
Yep, I am in Facebook Jail. For those who don´t know what Facebook jail is, I will explain it quickly. When you don´t follow the Facebook policies, they shut your account, or part of it down. This could be for any period of time or even for life. Pretty straight forward you could say…. Just…
Can You Make Money With Facebook Ads?
Yesterday I had an interesting discussion with a fantastic man. A piano teacher. He asked me: Be honest with me, can you make money with Facebook ads? I thought he was making a joke, so I simply answered, Yes, I have build my whole business on Facebook ads. Clearly, he though the same, that I…
You Won´t Be Successful
You won´t be successful because you have a green personality, someone once told me. You need a red personality like me, this “guru” added. He was aiming at the fact that I am somewhat introvert. And indeed…being introvert fitted in the green personality. But the other 6 things in the green box was definitely not…
It Really Hurts
Read how will this message help you in your business? Physical pain is difficult to overcome. But we can train ourselves to overcome or even neglect mental and emotional pain. Yesterday I went running with my youngest son. Now my body really hurts. This needs time to heal. But yesterday also I connected with 5…
How To Make Your “Sleeping” Team Mates Produce.
Are you building a team? And do you have team mates that just don´t produce, even when they say they want to. I am sure you have! Did you ever hear of the phrase: Never try to push a parked car? Well it’s all about energy. If you want your team mates to start producing,…
How To Tackle The “I HAVE NO MONEY” Excuse
Do you ever hear that? When you try to offer your business to someone. Sorry…But I don´t have the money. When you are in Network Marketing, I am sure you have heard it a lot. But let me tell you…most times it is not true. Most people do have the money, or at least a…