Why should you be part of the internet FAST!
I will give you an example of what happened recently to take away all your doubts whether you should be part of the multi trillion dollar business on the net. It’s a bit long, but it will be all clear to you at the end!
But let me start by stating that when you are not part of the internet business between now and two years, you will have a hard time to make money for you and your family!
The other day, my sons laptop didn´t charge anymore. Because he needs his laptop daily for school there was some pressure to take care of this quickly.
So I went to the store where I bought the laptop 4 months ago. After checking whether it was still in warranty they had me sign the papers to fix this.
I asked the man how long this would take to fix and his answer was; “not so long”. As my son needs his laptop daily I asked him to be more specific. The answer was between 15 and 30 days.
I was shocked…when between 15 and 30 days isn´t long, what is?
So I asked the man if he could check if it was the charger or the pc that was broken. He took a charger from the box of a new laptop and connected it, and the laptop was charging. Problem solved I thought.
The machine was still in warranty, we found the problem and solved it. So I asked him to swop the chargers. But his answer was NO…he wasn´t allowed to. Even though we now knew the problem, to solve it, it needed to be sent out.
Flexible as I am, I asked the man to sell me a charger. And again his answer was NO. He wasn´t allowed to sell this charger as it was part of another pc and he didn’t have a universal charger for it.
Disappointed as I was, I asked him to do me a favour as I am a very loyal customer (bought 3 laptops, 2 mobile phones and some things more there last 6 months). His answer was incredible…
“Sorry I can´t, I am just a middle man. You are their customer, not mine”
I was in shock. I bought all the things in that certain shop because I liked the service (I thought). But as it turns out, I am not even considered their customer.
Disappointed and with the decision to never buy anything from them I took the laptop and went to a different store to buy a universal charger.
Now please stay with me here….I know it’s a bit long….
I went to a store, part of a big franchise in electronics.
Before entering with the laptop, a security guard made me leave my ID at the desk and sticks labels all over the machine and charger to know that, when leaving, I didn´t steal it.
It took me 15 minutes to find an attendee that was free to help me and he walked up to the isle with chargers. Took 4 different ones from the rack with prices around the 25 bucks and told me, one of this might be the right one.
One of these????
Can´t we just try them?
Again a NO!
The boxes are sealed and he is not allowed to open them. My obvious question was…then how do I know which one I need?
His answer was epic!
You have to buy them all and return those that don’t fit. But…be careful, you cannot break the seals, otherwise we can’t take them back!
How can I try them out if I can’t take them out off the sealed package????
So I told the guy to leave it and that I didn´t think this was the right way to treat his customer.
He took the boxes and threw them in a box below the rack. Literally threw them! Saying, that it wasn´t his fault and that I wasn´t his customer but the companies…
Now where did I hear that before?
2,5 hours and 20 miles later I was home again, without charger. I put the brand and number in Google and within 35 seconds I had found a universal charger for the laptop for only 12 dollars.
24 hours later UPS came to deliver it at my doorstep.
It worked perfectly.
The next day I received an email from the company that sold it to me, asking me if it was the right charger and that they have a 30 day, 24 hour return service, if for any reason I am not satisfied. No questions asked.
Where do you think I will buy my next laptop?
It took me 2,5 hour and 20 miles driving up and down to return home, being told twice that I am not a customer. I came home without having solved the problem. But I also came home with new knowledge. Internet will win from traditional shops in short time.
E-commerce did 1,5 trillion dollar this year. This will be 2 trillion next year. And because people are not buying more, this extra 0,5 trillion dollar will be taken away from the traditional shops.
Their costs stay the same, but they will earn less year after year!
The only option to stay alive is to staff your shop with people who don´t see you as a customer anymore.
Isn´t that one of the biggest reasons why we still go there? For their so called service?
We all know it’s cheaper on the internet, but we still go to shops for their service….
What happens when that is taken over by the internet as well?
But I don’t tell you this to become a internet buyer..but to become an internet seller!
I suppose that the reason you are reading this, is because you want to know more about internet marketing and making money online.
I just gave you 0,5 TRILLION reasons to start doing it THIS YEAR!
You might wonder how you can become a part of this multi trillion dollar business. Stay tuned! Pretty soon I will release 6 video´s and a nifty tool for you for FREE
Keep making waves!
Roy Bonté